Pen Pal Critiques

Pen Pal Critiques


Pen Pal Critiques | $150.00

Ever wanted a professional critique on a piece of your artwork AND a pen pal?? Introducing Pen Pal Critiques! Send me a piece you are struggling with via USPS and I'll critique it and return the marked up art with comments on how to make it more licensable. We will go back and forth 2-3 times via regular mail with critiques, changes, adjustments and improvements. By the time the work is finished, not only will you have a collection of thoughtful, handwritten correspondences and critiques, but you will also have a piece you will feel more confident in!

Why snail mail? So glad you asked! ;) Let’s face it, we all could use less – less reactive, less hurried, less speed. Old-fashioned mail-mail slows down the pace. Pen Pal Critiques make space and time to mull over thoughts, reactions, and responses; something we all dearly lack in the world of instant messaging and email. I am looking forward to working with you in this way!

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