100 Days of Drawing by Jennifer Orkin Lewis

My New book 100 Days of Drawing is finally here!! It takes almost a year from the time I finished the art and design for the pub date to arrive so it kind of feels like the time will never get here, But it always does!!  September 4th is the official date.

I'm so excited about this book, It's a follow up to my first one Draw Every Day, Draw Every Way. They are similar yet different. They both have a beautiful open binding and you can take off the paper cover and have your own personalized notebook. They are beautiful as a pair! 

My goal is to get everyone drawing all the time, here I give you 25 ideas to get yourself started and motivation to keep going. Ideas that are easy to forget sometimes when you are staring at a blank page. such as Record your Day in Drawing, Use only Blues for your Palette and Draw Surprising Things in a Butterfly wing! If you do 1 a day, quickly you will be at 100 days! 

And there is a freebee,  If you Preorder the book and fill out the form on my website you can get a 5x7" print called Grow Your Own Way. It's super cute!

Publisher: Abrams Books I hope you love it, It's colorful, fun and I hope inspiring to you!!
x, Jennifer (Orkin Lewis)
