The first time I saw Malin’s art, it sparked my imagination. Her combination of graphite and paint was so unique, her sensibility so lavish and refined. I felt surrounded by opulent beauty. I traveled into the graceful curve of her lines. I swam in her florals. I said to myself, “I must sign this artist!” That was back in August. Every step along the way has been a confirmation of that decision; from her wonderful sense of humor and warmth on our artist retreat in Lake Como, to the glee I feel each time we pour over a new piece of Malin’s work.
Malin comes with an incredible arts background. She graduated college in 2001 and immediately began working as an employed textile designer for a variety of companies, including Ikea, H&M, Wrangler, and many more. When she had her first chid in 2013, she decided to start freelancing and has not looked back since (lucky for us!). We are simply thrilled to be included in her impressive roster of experience!
As I got to know Malin better, I came to understand the roots of her unique style. She is a self-proclaimed “sucker” for old textiles, especially embroidered silk, and she finds inspiration from the art and crafts movement. Most of her work starts with florals because they contain all the aspects of art that Malin loves. They are rich in color, texture and shape. Painting them puts her in a relaxed, meditative state of mind. It amazes me to think how these things translate onto the page and could cause me, living thousands of miles away, to feel that same sort of meditative enchantment from just seeing her work.
We could not be happier to introduce this wonderful artist to you today and to be representing her! Below are some of our favorite pieces. If you’re interested in licensing her work and seeing more of what she has to offer, please feel free to request a gallery.
I hope you enjoy her delicious images as much as I do.