A Sweet Treat from Dylan and Seattle Chocolate

chugga-chugga chugga-chugga CHOCOLATE!! I am so excited to share this delicious collaboration between our own Dylan Mierzwinski and Seattle Chocolate. I love chocolate—milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, chocolate with caramel, chocolate with mint, hazelnut butter crisp chocolate—and I love Dylan’s art—did you know she has almost 300 images in her archive?—so that makes this chocolate bar the happiest in the world.


Dylan’s artwork is lovely on this wrapper. The high-contrast lines make it bold and sophisticated, while the brilliant flowers pop with joy. It’s almost like I can see Dylan’s face hovering on the bar when I look at it. “You’ve got to try this hazelnut butter crisp,” she says, “You wouldn’t want to miss out on the happiest chocolate bar in the world, would you?” No need to hit me with #FOMO, Dylan. Of course I want to eat the happiest chocolate bar in the world!! And I want to frame that wrapper and hang it up, too!

Seriously, though, just look at it!
