Every so often, an artist crosses our path whose work is an absolute breath of fresh air. Today, we are super duper psyched to introduce you to such an artist. That's right; it's an artist announcement!!!
Stephanie Bauer's marvelous masterpieces have us dazzled. From collage to gauche, acrylic, oil, watercolors, and digital--Stephanie can do it all! And she does it with a joy that we find absolutely infectious.
These citruses from Stephanie speak volumes about the kind of artist she is; spontaneous, creative, and unique!
Here we have quite possibly the happiest happy birthday I've seen seen for Grandmas everywhere!!
Just look at this piece!! It's so flipping happy we can't not smile when we look at it. Oh, and if you thought we picked out this image at random; think again! Something wonderful IS about to happen. You're about to see more of Stephanie's art!
Look at that smile! ;) Here she is, the artist herself! Stephanie hails from Cave Creek Arizona where she creates her fabulous work and is well-versed in the process of saving dogs that have licked poisonous toads (long story!). Welcome, Stephanie, we are so lucky to have you!!
Now, if you love the work as much as we do, get in touch quick! As I mentioned earlier, she has a lot of fabulous work available right now for licensing, but that won't last long!