We’re Pleased as Punch!

This year, we had the absolute honor of working with Pleasing, the beauty brand brought to you by none other than Harry Styles!  With art direction from Pleasing, Rachel Grant created some of the most fun and exciting art we’ve ever seen for their 2022 holiday line.  Little did we know just how thrilling this project would be until their holiday pop-up shops started, well, popping up!!
Even though the pop up is closed you can still enjoy her stunning work simply by scrolling down. Check out these beautiful sketches and artwork from Rachel!
Congratulations on this amazing project Rachel, and thank you, Pleasing!!

Look at what the team at Pleasing created with her art! Chairs and drapery, Christmas ornaments, and gorgeous packaging galore!! Even the store is decorated floor to ceiling with her work!

We’re delighted to share an inside look at the store with you!

If want to see more of her work, or any one of our talented artists, send us a request on our website!


We've Got the Blues

The Fall in New England always has us dreaming of blue skies. So, we figured, why not solve this problem with a dazzlingly blue artwork?! After all, what good is having thousands of beautiful images from our artists if we can't dive in and use them to cheer us up once in a while?!

Of course, the real good thing about having thousands of beautiful images from our artists is being able to meet any of our client's needs!

Whether you are looking for a little respite from a gray day, yourself, or if you are looking to license some gorgeous art-- join us while we luxuriate blue paisleys, pajamas, patterns and places on this blustery fall day. 💕

Speaking of luxuriating--I can think of no better way to indulge than these pajamas with art from Rachel Grant for Critically Endangered!!

Our bet is that you love this work as much as we do. Let us know if you would like to see even more!


MORE Vibrant Art by New Artist Stephanie Bauer!

We want to share even more of Stephanie’s lively and dynamic work with you! Just look at those colors!!

Stephanie Bauer

Someone needs to make a die-cut version of this card, like, yesterday.

Stephanie Bauer

Here’s another fabulous Christmas celebration! Right now, she has many available--but they are going to go fast!!

Stephanie Bauer

Even when Stephanie is working with a limited palette, her florals sing!

Stephanie Bauer

In case you didn't already notice, she also has fantastic lettering! I just love the the way the lettering flows here; making a unique piece even more special!


Our New Artist is bursting with color and glee!

Every so often, an artist crosses our path whose work is an absolute breath of fresh air. Today, we are super duper psyched to introduce you to such an artist. That's right; it's an artist announcement!!!

Stephanie Bauer's marvelous masterpieces have us dazzled. From collage to gauche, acrylic, oil, watercolors, and digital--Stephanie can do it all! And she does it with a joy that we find absolutely infectious.

Stephanie Bauer

These citruses from Stephanie speak volumes about the kind of artist she is; spontaneous, creative, and unique!

Stephanie Bauer

Here we have quite possibly the happiest happy birthday I've seen seen for Grandmas everywhere!!

Stephanie Bauer

Just look at this piece!! It's so flipping happy we can't not smile when we look at it. Oh, and if you thought we picked out this image at random; think again! Something wonderful IS about to happen. You're about to see more of Stephanie's art!

Look at that smile! ;) Here she is, the artist herself! Stephanie hails from Cave Creek Arizona where she creates her fabulous work and is well-versed in the process of saving dogs that have licked poisonous toads (long story!). Welcome, Stephanie, we are so lucky to have you!!

Now, if you love the work as much as we do, get in touch quick! As I mentioned earlier, she has a lot of fabulous work available right now for licensing, but that won't last long!


Fabulous New Christmas Art: Part 3

Thought we were done? Far from it!! Here is one more sampling of the holiday and winter art we have available at the agency. I am just blown away by these talented artists!!!!

Rae Ritchie Merry Christmas

Rae Ritchie

Janna Krupinski Christmas Travel

Janna Krupinski

Malin Gyllensvaan Holiday Whimsy

Malin Gyllensvaan

Heather Powers Christmas Tree

Heather Powers

And, just for a touch of fun, here are a few of my favorite Christmas things!!

Jill Howarth Holiday Gift Bags

Jill Howarth for Cost Plus World Market

Rachel Grant Christmas Puzzle

Rachel Grant for Swallowfield

Miriam Bos Holiday Fabric

Miriam Bos for Dear Stella


Fabulous New Christmas Art: Part 2

We had so much new art, I made two posts! ☺️ Just look at this beautiful work and don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to see more!

Olivia Gibbs Winter Fireplace

Olivia Gibbs

Lauren Lowen Christmas Lettering

Lauren Lowen

Hadas Hayun Holiday Pattern

Hadas Hayun

Miriam Bos Father Christmas

Miriam Bos

Rachel Grant Winter Robins

Rachel Grant


Fabulous New Christmas Art: Part 1

If you missed our Christmas in July event, I have good news! First of all, thank you so much to everyone who joined us for our virtual holiday artshow! We licensed so many new pieces and were thrilled meet so many new faces!

We still have gaggles of new Christmas images available for licensing and purchase! Don't believe me? (Why wouldn't you believe me? That is just weird..) Well, here is a sampling of brand new art available right now; for YOU! If you see something you love, get in touch! I have a feeling these ones are going to go fast!

Rosie Dore Merry Christmas

Rosie Dore

Jill Howarth Santa and Reindeer

Jill Howarth

Anna Ivanir Cozy Christmas Scene

Anna Ivanir

Lauren Lowen Happy Holidays Card

Lauren Lowen

Dylan Mierzwinski Christmas Pattern

Dylan Mierzwinski


Think you're hungry now? Wait until you see this art!!

Food! Glorious food!! But you won't find any hot sausage and mustard here!

At JNA, we love beautiful foods that you want to frame and hang up on the wall, put on birthday cards, tea pots and towels. And, since we've been getting in loads of amazing food artwork recently.. and since I haven't had breakfast yet (no, that wasn't my stomach you heard growling a minute ago... okay, fine, it was), I thought today would be the perfect day for a cornucopia of culinary delights!

Welcome to the JNA food market! We've got lemons so luscious they make you thirst for lemonade, root vegetables so rich you'd think you could reach out and touch them, chocolates, cakes, gingerbread, bananas!! If you see something you love, let us know, before someone else gobbles it up!

I am guessing your stomach is growling by now too! Let us know if we can sate your appetite! Kindly, Jennifer + Cathy + Haley


Great Art Makes for Great Puzzles

Oh, how I love all of the new puzzles coming out on the market these days! Round puzzles, square puzzles; family puzzles, girl’s night puzzles; dinosaur puzzles, scenic puzzles—at JNA, we want to make them all—and by make I mean putting together puzzles AND collaborating with savvy clients and our artists’ fantastic work.

Read More

Jill Howarth's Latest Book!

Chugga chugga! Chugga chugga! Choo! Choo! Make way for an awesome new Little Engine that Could book illustrated by Jill Howarth!

Published by Penguin Random House and written by Matt Mitter, this rhyming romp follows that sweet lil' engine as she covers for the vacationing postman; delivering packages to friends far and wide.

Even better? Delivery Day is full of surprises like real letters and envelopes from the story! Jill's gorgeous retro style perfectly captures the joy of the Little Engine that Could series. Well done, Jill!

If you are an art director for a publishing company, interested in working with Jill or any of our amazing artists, we'd love to hear from you! Let us know! In addition to being available for commissions, we have many book pitches to share from board books to adult how-to books.

Have a great week!

Kindly, Jennifer, Cathy + Haley


Dive into Anna Ivanir's world!

Oh, how I would love to live in the vibrant and inviting world that Anna Ivanir captures in her paintings! The palette, the beautiful and diverse people, the lush florals, and scrumptious foods, transport me to a joyful and wondrous place. Like all our artists, Anna is constantly creating new, gorgeous work available for art licensing or purchase! We are so proud to represent her at Jennifer Nelson Artists!!

Anna Ivanir

I would love to sit at one of Anna's tables! The vibrant colors in this trio are so inviting. Even with something as simple as food and hands, I feel transported into her painting.

Anna Ivanir

Just a little reminder that Mother's Day is May 8--which is coming up sooner than you think! This is such a sweet group of mothers with their kids.

Anna Ivanir

Trying to pick out one floral from all her fabulous botanicals was a challenge. I decided on this one because of her use of red, blue, yellow, and white in one flower! I love these intense, saturated brush strokes.

Anna Ivanir

This gorgeous group of ladies is one of Anna's specialties. She is so good at capturing the variety and beauty of all different kinds of people. I especially love this piece because it is bursting with details!

Anna Ivanir hard at work!

I bet you just love Anna's work as much as I do. Let us know if you would like to see even more!


New Repeats We Love! Part 3

And, for the final installment of some of our favorite patterns, we have some brilliant work by our artists ready to sell or license. This art would be perfect for bolt fabric, wrapping paper, children’s clothes, and more!


New Repeats We Love! Part 2

The part 2 you have all been waiting for! Here are more repeats for your enjoyment. I can’t pick a favorite, each and every one brings me joy. If there are any you can’t keep your eyes off we would love to know!


New Repeats We Love! Part 1

You'll want to see these repeats, repeatedly!

Friends!!! It has been such a long time since we've created a new blog post! I thought it would be extra special to make one all about patterns available for licensing! Realizing this silly oversight and how we have been repeatedly negligent over and over and over again to share repeats with you, I thought I'd break the cycle and post one now!

I adore each one of these pieces and heartily encourage you to scroll all the way down for some excellent, unique, and dazzling new work. From Christmas art to cursing cats to snakes and dragons, woodland creatures, suns, and more, you won't want to miss out! And, if you get a second, tell us your favorite!

Keep an eye out for Part 2 next week!


Malin's Mesmerizing eeBoo Puzzle!!

We just love to see our art on beautiful products. Malin’s new puzzle for eeBoo is among my favorites! I could get lost in its many details for hours- the mama bird protecting her nest, the little mouse with a mushroom for a chair, the sparkle in the rabbit’s eye… another astounding project from Malin!!

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Screen Shot 2021-03-08 at 12.49.06 PM.png

Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season, from all of us at JNA!

Here is a dazzling display of our newest holiday art available for licensing or sale!


Kelly Angelovic and Scholastic Want Kids to Rock the Vote!

Did your school ever have a mock vote for the next president? I remember ours did. It was Michael Dukakis versus George H. W. Bush. Nevermind who I voted for—let’s just say my candidate did not win at our school—the experience of voting, even at that age, was exciting and different. It’s been many, many years since those days but I will always remember this first toe-dip into good citizenship.

Now, if my school had a voting kit like this brain-child of our wonderful illustrator, Kelly Angelovic, I think it would have been that much more exciting! While Kelly was working on her fabulous female empowerment series, she realized she also wanted kids to feel empowered, too. What you see below is the result of hard work and support from Kelly and Scholastic, Inc.


Kelly’s amazing color pallet is eye-popping perfection! Plus, do you see those stickers in the back?? Such a great touch!!

The kit includes a book to teach children all about voting.  And, of course, it features Kelly’s wonderful hand-lettering!

The kit includes a book to teach children all about voting. And, of course, it features Kelly’s wonderful hand-lettering!

And here’s a little peak behind the scenes! These are Kelly’s concept sketches and one of the mock-ups used to design that sweet ballot box.

And here’s a little peak behind the scenes! These are Kelly’s concept sketches and one of the mock-ups used to design that sweet ballot box.


Kelly says, “As a mom to two elementary-aged kids, creating something for our youngest citizens to teach them about voting and elections was deeply rewarding and FUN!! I'm thrilled with how it all turned out--the whole project was fantastic, from start to finish.”

We were so thrilled to be part of seeing this vision become reality. It was a beautiful, multifaceted project that has great meaning to us and, we hope, to your family and students, too! #votevotevote!


Christine's Ghostly Godiva Packaging!

I am so excited to share the process of working on my dream project for Godiva.

Having worked as an artist in Paris for many years, I remember there was a Godiva boutique right outside the Metro stop from where I worked. I would pass those deliciously stunning window displays each morning and peer in with awe at Godiva's gorgeously packaged products. Godiva's luxury chocolates were always beautifully designed with glossy packaging and sophisticated artwork.


You can imagine the excitement I felt when they selected me to develop the artwork for their Halloween 2020 product line!

Having always been a huge fan of Halloween, cats and spooky themes, I was so thrilled to take on this commission. 

The client sent over a brief which I reviewed and then proceeded to have a meeting to further discuss any details that needed to be emphasized by the client.

They gave me their halloween seasonal Pantone colors to work with, as well as a very detailed description of what the feeling of the artwork should evoke. The client was very clear that they wanted the cats to be "not too childish or cute" but "not too frightening or scary either." 

This was a bit of a challenge for me since I like to draw cats with large silly eyes!

A spooky selection in the making—check out those Pantone colors!

A spooky selection in the making—check out those Pantone colors!

After several rounds of sketches and revisions, we settled on sophisticated black cats perched atop decorative embellished pumpkins. The client approved this sketch and then I developed two different design layouts with different color background options for the client to select. 

I created the artwork digitally using my Wacom Cintiq. The client requested minimal shading, they wanted the artwork to stand out and look very strong and bold without looking too simple or minimal. Though the rendering of the cats and pumpkins were minimal, I added in lots of little details that kept your eye moving throughout the design. The falling leaves, flying bats, and flickering candles all create a magical environment surrounding the cats in the pumpkin patch.


The purple background was the winner! The client liked the layout/design of the purple background better, as well as the fact they felt the art popped out nicely from this color background.

 This collaboration is available in the US & Japan only. The Japanese release has a few more products and it's definitely worth checking out. The team did a fantastic job using die-cut shapes, embellishments and even glow in the dark features on the packaging.

 Even some of the chocolates have my artwork printed on them!

Yum!! The perfect mix of cute and creepy…

Yum!! The perfect mix of cute and creepy…

Glowing goodies!!

Glowing goodies!!

The Godiva team was a joy to collaborate with on such a special seasonal project. It was sincerely a dream come true to work with such an amazing client!

A Sweet Treat from Dylan and Seattle Chocolate

chugga-chugga chugga-chugga CHOCOLATE!! I am so excited to share this delicious collaboration between our own Dylan Mierzwinski and Seattle Chocolate. I love chocolate—milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, chocolate with caramel, chocolate with mint, hazelnut butter crisp chocolate—and I love Dylan’s art—did you know she has almost 300 images in her archive?—so that makes this chocolate bar the happiest in the world.


Dylan’s artwork is lovely on this wrapper. The high-contrast lines make it bold and sophisticated, while the brilliant flowers pop with joy. It’s almost like I can see Dylan’s face hovering on the bar when I look at it. “You’ve got to try this hazelnut butter crisp,” she says, “You wouldn’t want to miss out on the happiest chocolate bar in the world, would you?” No need to hit me with #FOMO, Dylan. Of course I want to eat the happiest chocolate bar in the world!! And I want to frame that wrapper and hang it up, too!

Seriously, though, just look at it!
