Jill Howarth’s stunning work, ready for review!

With BLUE PRINT + SURTEX just around the corner I want to share the artists' portfolio books!  Jill Howath's lettering and gorgeous illustration promises to thrill! We are not booking appointments - want yours? Just ask! Enjoy - Jennifer

Lauren’s latest work ready for the New York shows!

With BLUE PRINT + SURTEX just around the corner I want to share the artists' portfolio books!  Lauren Lowen rounds out another year of terrific work. Take a look! Want to see work before the show, just ask! Enjoy - Jennifer




We keep our little agency small on purpose.

It allows us to really focus on our artists and to give personal attention to our clients. That's why it's a REALLY BIG DEAL when we add a new artist to our roster. Today I'm proud as can be to introduce Janna Krupinski!

Janna joins our awesomely talented team to bring us to a total of ten amazing illustrators. Just check out her work to see why I'm so pleased to bring Janna into the fold. Please join us in making her feel welcome.

Come see Janna's debut at Blue Print and SURTEX this month!


And there's more where those came from! If you want to see what else Janna Krupinski has been up to, just let me know.

Kindly, Jennifer

Rae's terrific 2017 portfolio

You will just FLIP when you see Rae Ritchie's astonishing work in person! Come visit us at BLUE PRINT + SURTEX in May! To get a sneak peek, just ask! - Jennifer


Recorded LIVE from SURTEX 2016

Here we are LIVE from SURTEX with Anne Bollman! 

Victoria's expressive, lyrical work spins the world on a new axis.

This week, I am counting down the (2!) days until SURTEX by featuring sneak peeks of each artist's work.

Victoria is becoming world famous for her color palettes, her keen design eye and her expressive lyrical quality. (Victoria's work is like happiness in a bottle.) Our clients are working with her on children's bedding, growth charts, Christmas paper goods, and a line of gifts and bolts of fabric so dear you will swoon at first glance! I reckon, I am the luckiest agent in town! You can find Victoria (and me) @ Booth 518! Enjoy! - Jennifer

This last one is SPECIAL thanks to ALL of you who have supported us as we launched the agency, licensed or commissioned art and continue to make us feel so very welcome in this wonderful world of art!


Jennifer graces SURTEX 2015 with her sublime beauties.

This week, I am counting down the (3!) days until SURTEX by featuring sneak peeks of each artist's work. Hold on to your horses, Jennifer is a knock out.

I fell in love with Jennifer the instant I saw her work. Great painters are few and far between and this one is as special as they come. Jennifer's work evokes joy, delight and a unique perspective on this world.  I am so fortunate to receive a painting from her nearly every day. Can imagine a more lucky inbox? Jennifer is currently working on her second (self-authored) book, a commission for hope chests for 3 lucky CT girls, loads of cards, and repeats for children's clothing in Brazil. Keep your eye on Jennifer, she is flying to high places... and I am SO LUCKY to be along for the ride!  Come meet Jennifer and see her jaw-dropping work @ Booth #355 or contact me to see hundreds of her images in our archives.- (the other) Jennifer

Monika shines like no other at SURTEX 2015!

This week, I am counting down the (4!) days until SURTEX by featuring sneak peeks of each artist's work.

Wednesday is for Monika and her amazing perspective and brilliant color sensibility. Clients are licensing her work, with deals for high-end wall decor and cooli-o suitcase patterns! Once again, I'm grateful for the opportunity to represent her and let the light shine in! Come visit Monika @ Booth #355. Enjoy! - Jennifer

Lauren leaps into SURTEX 2015!

This week, I am counting down the (5!) days until SURTEX by featuring sneak peeks of each artist's work. Sharpen your pencils - this is a good one!

Tuesday is for Lauren and her snarky sensibility, inborn humor, fantastical lettering and scrumptious line work. Clients are eating up her work, with all sorts of licenses and commissions for editorial maps, suitcase fabric design and greeting cards galore. Once again, I am tickled pink (shades of indigo, actually) to represent this über-cool, super-fine talent! I'm thinking temporary tattoos next! What about you? Something tells me, your product would sell better with a little Lauren mixed in! Visit Lauren in Booth #559 or contact me for to see the more than 150 illustrations in Lauren's archive! - Jennifer